Koncar Group from Croatia is a company, which operations began in 1921 and to date has supplied equipment and installations in more than 100 countries. Koncar Group is recognized around the world as well as being a synonym for high level of quality and reliability.
The main activity of the Koncar Group is the production of equipment and plants for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, including renewable energy sources, as well as equipment for use in the fields of transport and industry.
The KONCAR INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS INC. is part of this business group, which is represented by ABACUS INTERNATIONAL SAC.
ABACUS INTERNATIONAL is focused in the promotion, supply and service of the following products:
  • Instruments transformers for high voltage (up to 800 kV current and voltage transformers), medium voltage and special instrument transformers.
Koncar is accredited to Quality Management System ISO 9001, Environmental Management System ISO 14001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS 18001.